Composant Delphi / Google Maps / OpenStreetMap / Leaflet  / Mappilary / Native Maps 100% Delphi 0% WebBrowser 0% Javascript


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Groups enable you to manage a set of elements, you can load them, save them, display them, hide them, move them to a single command.

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The markers are managed by a list of type TECMapMarkers accessible through the property Markers of TECMap

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The roads are managed by the list Routes Type TECMapRoutesLire la suite


Overlays are all the items based on geographical points that you can embed on your cards, they descend from the class TECMapItem.

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Shows bike paths only available with api GoogleLire la suite


Property Places type TECPlaces lets you search specific locations in a given area, such as finding restaurants in a radius of 500 meters.

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You can definire a list of markers that have the ability to move along a predetermined path ( roads , polylines or polygons ) .

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