Composant Delphi / Google Maps / OpenStreetMap / Leaflet  / Mappilary / Native Maps 100% Delphi 0% WebBrowser 0% Javascript


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Mots clefs > infowindow


TECShapeInfoWindow allows you to display a panel containing text.

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To use the shapes you need to add the unit uecNativeShape

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Display a Panoramio Layer in Bing maps, Leaflet, MapQuest, CloudMade and Google Maps

Google Maps already has a layer Panoramio , let's see how to wear this feature to all apis.

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The markers are managed by a list of type TECMapMarkers accessible through the property Markers of TECMap

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Overlays are all the items based on geographical points that you can embed on your cards, they descend from the class TECMapItem.

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A InfoWindow is a bubble of information that can contain HTML text, they are accessible through the list InfoWindow type TECMapInfoWindows

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