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Style sheet

To be able to display all your data easily, use styles.

For this, TECNativeMap has the Styles property

map.Styles.Rules := all_your_rules;

A rule can decompose in a selector and a list of properties placed between { }

Selector {prop1:value1;prop2:value2}

Style selector

The selector can be the name of a Group, an element type (marker, poi, line or polygone), the name property of the element, a set Property:value

You can also aggregate these different possibilities (groupe+type+property:value)

#Group_Name {} // for all element in the group
.Marker {} // for all TECShapeMarker
#Name_Of_Shape {} // only for this name
.property_name:property_value {} // for all items with this value
#Group_Name.Polygone {} // only for TECShapePolygone in this group
.Line.property_name:property_value {} // only for TECShapeLine with this value

For the TECShapePOI you can also select depending on the type

.Poi.Ellipse {}
.Poi.Star {}
.Poi.Rect {}
.Poi.Triangle {}
.Poi.Diamond {}
.Poi.Hexagon {}
.Poi.Text {}

It is also possible to define rules if the element is hovered by the mouse, if you press on it, if it has selected or if it has focus.

// all the elements hovered by the mouse are green
map.styles.addrule(':hover {color:green}');
// the border of the lines hovered by the mouse is 4 pixels
map.styles.addrule('.line:hover {bsize:4}');
// all shapes selected or focused is red
map.styles.addRule(':selected, :focused {color:red}');
// enlarge the selected markers
map.styles.addRule('.marker:selected {scale:1.2}');
map.styles.addRule('.marker:pressed {scale:2}');

You can apply the same properties to several selector separated by commas


Select1 , Select2, Select3 {...}

Use ClearSelector to remove all rules associated with a selector.


Items that have already been modified by a style you remove keep their appearance !


Style property

The properties available are :

bcolor (BorderColor)
BrushStyle (vcl Clear|Cross|DiagCross|BDiagonal|Horizontal|FDiagonal|Vertical|Solid) ( fmx Graphic )
FontItalic (true|false)
FontBold (true|false)
fcolor (fill color)
fopacity (0-100)
graphic (url|base64,data_png_in_base64, index ImageList)
hbcolor (hover border color)
hcolor (hover color)
opacity (0-100)
penStyle (solid|dash|dot|dashdot)
unit (pixel|meter)
visible (true|false|[text])
StyleIcon (3D,Flat,FlatNoBorder,Svg,OwnerDraw) (TECShapeMarker)
Scale (double) (TECShapeMarker & TECShapePoi);

For the colors you can use the syntax #RRGGBB or $int_value or directly a name (red, black, green etc.)


You can also create a color by specifying two colors and a percentage of mixture, or lighten / darken it

// create a color by mixing
map.styles.addRule('.line {color:gradient(Red,Yellow,0.6)');
// dark with a force index of 128 (max 255)
map.styles.addRule('.line {color:dark(Red,128)');
// light default force index = 32
map.styles.addRule('.line {color:light(Red)');

Using [text] It displays the item only if PropertyValue['name']<>'' ou PropertyValue['addr_housenumber']<>''


Excerpt from a style sheet

.Polygone {weight:0;zindex:-1;}
.marker {zindex:11}
.marker:hover {scale:1.5}
.kind:rail {bcolor:#0C0D0D;color:white;weight:1;bsize:3;penStyle:dash;}
.kind:river {color:#54b4eA;weight:4;}

Fig. 1 show vector tiles

Define a style using the properties

You can freely assign properties to your elements, they are of the form "name": "value".

var M:TECShapeMarker;
M := Map.addMarker(map.latitude,map.Longitude);
// you can also use
// groups can also have them

//To define a rule that applies only if a property has this value

.name:value {color:red};

// only to markers with a "name"="value" property {color:blue};

// for all elements having a "name" property whatever its value (except empty)

.name:* {color:indigo};

Conditional property

To apply a rule based on a PropertyValue, use the if property

With the following rules the villages with a population of less than 5,000 inhabitants appear in green, those with a population > 6000 in blue.

.kind:village {if:population<5000;fontsize:12;color:green;}
.kind:village {if:population>6000;fontsize:12;color:blue}

Fig. 2 green < 5000 - blue > 6000

You can use as a comparator =, % (modulo) , !=, >, >=, < et <=

You can test "special" properties


Tests the position of the element in its group list (Markers, Pois, Lines, Polygones, InfoWindows)
// apply the rule for pois whose index is > 4
'.poi {if:index>4;color:red;hcolor:yellow}'
// apply the rule for the last poi in the list
'.poi {if:index=last;color:black;hcolor:white}'
// apply the rule for even indexes
'.poi {if:index%2;color:black;hcolor:white}'

RTL ( vcl ou fmx)

.Polygone {if:rtl=fmx;hcolor:green}

OS ( windows, mac ,android ou ios)

.marker:hover {if:os=windows;color:red}

HOLE (true ou false) to detect if a polygon is a hole in another polygon, TECNativeMap does not support polygons with holes, This test at least to assign a color for holes.

.polygone.kind:building {if:hole=true;fcolor:silver;fopacity:100;zindex:0;}

Rule based on the Zoom

You can set the zooms for which the rule applies, just add at the end of selector [zoom valeur] or [zoom valeur1,valeur2] , [zoom *] indicates that the rule applies for all zooms

.Poi.Text [zoom *]{if:kind=building;visible:false;}
.Poi.Text [zoom 18,19,20,21,22]{if:kind=building;visible:[text];}
.Poi.Text [zoom *]{if:kind=chapel;visible:false;}
.Poi.Text [zoom 19,20,21,22]{if:kind=chapel;visible:[text];}

Multiple values based on the zoom

For the StyleIcon, FontSize, Scale and Weight properties you can set several values that depend on the zoom level

The syntax is zoom_mini-zoom_max=value,zoom2=value

// fontsize = 6pt in zoom 17 , 8pt in zoom 18 , 10pt in zoom 19 & 20
#.poi {fontsize:17=6,18=8,19-20=10;}
// flat marker for zoom 0 to 17, siDirection for zoom 18 to 20
.marker {styleicon:0-17=flat,18-20=direction}

Define a name for a value

You can name your values and use the name instead of the value.

@dark {#404040}
@scale-suburb-village {0-11=0,12=1.2,13=1.5,14=1.6,15-16=1.9,17-20=2.5}

.poi {if:place=suburb;fontsize:12; scale:@scale-suburb-village;color:@dark;width:0;yanchor:0;}

You can use styles without using vector tiles, they apply to all your elements


The unit uecOSMStyles_standard declares the constant UEC_OSM_STYLESHEET, these are the styles used in the demo OSMViewer

// see uecOSMStyles_standard
map.styles.Rules := UEC_OSM_STYLESHEET;

Fig. 3 Demo OSMViewer

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