TECMapAdressEdit is a descendant of TEdit component that provides automatic support for the address entry
When you preselect in the list a proposal the OnSelect event is raised
When you valid an address, either by pressing the return key or clicking a proposal with the left button of the mouse, the OnAdress event is raised
You have access to the Nominatim property that contains the following information about the selected address
- TAdressEdit.nominatim.Display_name
- TAdressEdit.nominatim.Latitude
- TAdressEdit.nominatim.Longitude
- TAdressEdit.nominatim.BoundingBox
- TAdressEdit.nominatim.Place_type
- TAdressEdit.nominatim.Place_rank
- TAdressEdit.nominatim.Place_id
- TAdressEdit.nominatim.Osm_type
- TAdressEdit.nominatim.Osm_id
- TAdressEdit.nominatim.Icon
The addresses are obtained with the MapQuest Nominatim service